Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Wednesday and my wild extravagance at the supermarket was 2 candle gnomes sat on very battered looking flowerpots.. they looked cute and they only cost 50 cents each.. so I've hardly broken the bank..

Why were they so cheap? cos they were last years left overs i think..

Hey I aint proud i dread to think what the prices will be this year for those of us who might think of buying such frivolities...

I ask you what kind of depraved person.. would want to light the head of a cute little gnome.. ( who i swear could be big ears cousin... they're so like..) and watch its cute little body melt away..
who ever designed them needs therapy...

So they're sat on top of the computer screen ... ` beaming at me'...

Its Easter you see.. and all the chocky eggs have started to appear on the supermarket shelves..
No sooner have we got Christmas out of the way than something appears... to squeeze our pockets..

Thank goodness the kids are bigger now than they were.. though i dare say they'll still want one...
( wouldn't say no myself... :0))

What else have i done....?

I bravely coloured my hair yesterday.. a bit apprehensive lest it glow in the dark.. as it wasn't my usual shade and the writing on the box wot wiv it being in a foreign language was all Greek to me... though the picture on the outside of the box was re assuring...

But its actually not bad at all.... no one has made any comment about it.. so i'll take that as a good sign...

Its almost food time.. so i'll close for now and wish whoever is out there a very Happy Wednesday.... xxx

1 comment:

  1. I buy little candles like that and never burn them at all!! I have a huge cat candle that is about 30 years old. It does look a bit worn

    A picture of your new hair, that what we need!! I want to see it!
