Friday, April 23, 2010
Somehow i didnt get in here yesterday to add anything.. so i'll ramble a little about that first before going onto today...
Athens action?
Well there's some kind of general strike on today... so the schools are off. which means i got a bit of extra kip this morning..
It feels to have been a busy week though i cant imagine why though i did go to the bank three times yesterday morning.. but the good news is we sorted a problem that had been going on for two years... so was worth it..
I passed the sumptuous chocolate shop.. ( :lol: which is enough to bring on palpitations.... )...8 times yesterday.. 6 on the way to the Bank and twice when i went to the supermarket..
In the morning it was still closed....... ahhh but later on... the irresistible aroma drifted towards my nostrils. thats part of what attracts people to it.. its a great way to sell a product...
Anyway its a lazy day today... I shaved Chris earlier.. ( really must get him a new blade sometime... i keep using the old one... as am wary of cutting him.... as with the aspirin he bleeds a lot. so I've been playing it safe..)
Today is now Friday...
Friday.. and the day started quite energetically with doing Chris' hair.. then as i had both lads out of the house and the bedroom empty for once... i leapt in there and tried to clear a bit of the debris..
Really its become more of a computer/ games room that they sleep in.. the wardrobe now houses the tv.. which leaves the problem of where to put the clothes.. fortunately they don't have a lot...
I'd just finished Chris' hair.. ( put the colour on..) and had left him to cook.. and a friend of his rang.. and said he was coming over,, :shock: well there wasn't anything we could do fortunately he isn't someone we stand on ceremony with and he sat and read the newspapers while i washed the colour off..
His friend had managed to find him a bottle of his favorite wine..... I was reading in the news yesterday of the benefits of red wine to people who have had strokes...
So its obviously a good thing for him to be having it..
I'm feeling quite wicked as have just nicked a tube of the kids smarties.. :lol: why is it stolen fruit always tastes better... :wink:
He has another 3 tubes so don't think he'll miss..
I now need to start making Chris' lunch and then its off out for the Friday shop.. to replenish our dwindling supplies.. they don't last Long around here..
So i'll wander off and do something... wishing you all a happy day...
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
I've been legging it back and forth to the bank today... to sort out an issue we had with one of the pensions.. a mistake that occurred when he had his stroke.. which has taken 2 years to sort out..
So am feeling quite pleased to have it sorted...
A large black buzzy thing..( fly,) is zooming about..I call them airplanes.. As i have to duck when they zoom overhead... So the balcony doors are open to let it out..
The big ones are usually quite brainy.. and will go out if you show them the way..
You can just imagine me cant you... " come on darling ...out you go... (as i gently try and waft it out..)
I remember when we were first married hubby used to squash them on the glass of the doors... a habit i have since trained him out of as to my mind it just created an unpleasant mess.
Generally speaking i dont want to harm the wee critters that fly in Ijust want them to fly out again..
Dull looking day outside.. for once i'm dressed and not slopping about in something comfy...
Tis off to the supermarket i will go .. Heigh Ho.. Heigh Ho...
Pity i haven't got the seven dwarves to help me carry it back.. :D
Later... have now got back and the buy of the day was some flipflops for one euro...
No matter how tight money may be... i usually try to fit a bit of frivolity in somewhere.. to make the days shopping fun..
Didn't matter at all that they were a couple of sizes too big.. they were a pretty shade of blue.. and had a rabbit on..
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Gosh its so long since was last in here.. cant think where the days are going to… It seems no sooner have I got up and its time to go to bed again,,
As it’s a Saturday I haven’t been anywhere apart from onto the balcony.. to trim the leaves of my yucca I always lose a few over winter..
It’s a big yucca so it has a few to spare.. is really 4 trees in one.. I guess that’s one of the reasons its survived having me as a mamma….
My cat seems off color at the moment which is unusual for her so I’m watching her..but as she seems okay in herself am hopeful it will pass off in a day or so…
I know its not her teeth as the poor thing hasn’t got any.. that’s how I’ve noticed the change In her appetite.. because I hand feed her… mind you she had got a little rotund over the winter… so she’s looking better for having lost a little..
I try not to think about the economics of the country at the moment..the latest suggestion I’ve heard is that they don’t give the next two months pensions.. Eeek..
One wonders what they expect us all to live on…
Amidst such gloom and doom should I really have bought a doormat ( I think..!) with a collection of happy cat faces smiling back.. probably not… but it wasn’t very expensive…and it makes me smile…
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Thursday and the tap is dripping… I wonder if the drops are water babies being pushed out into the world.. one by one .. and as they fall they say..~” Oh! Oh! Oh! “
Us human creatures are awfully slow sometimes at seeing things as they really are..
Its as though we think within a box... and many of us never step outside of that little square of acceptable thought..
We just assume that water doesn’t have feelings..
My first coffee of the day always seems to result in a time of contemplation..
It sets the tone for the rest of the day..
I suppose its rather vain of me to want to share my thoughts.. half baked as they are.. always struggling to find completeness.
But if I waited till I had a perfect thought I would probably never speak at all.. and so I grasp at those fleeting thoughts as they go past…
Knowing that particularly when we’re online that our words do become to some degree our presence… that by which we can be seen..
“Zee Body.. “ says Monsieur Le Baron..( not wanting to be left out of the conversation..)
Go back to bed … ( say I in undertone…). “you know how the sun makes you sneeze..” :0)
Today I’ve discovered a Blanket that I’ve postponed washing all winter and now I discover the moths have been at it..
So I guess it serves me right..
It was a baby blanket.. so the nostalgic in me doesn’t want to just throw it away.. so its now in the washing machine..
Why oh why do we so often postpone doing things until its almost too late.
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Wednesday and the cat is showing her approval... by running back and forth as if all the hounds of hell are after her...
I have crawled out of bed and am now perched on a chair in the kitchen waking up over a mug of coffee and something called friganez ( dried toasts that come in a packet..) very morish....
My little finger knuckle still hurts.. and the joint has swollen more than it had.. as this is my 5th finger to be affected.. i'm getting used to the routine of hurt swell distortion.. the good part is that the sensitivity will pass to some degree. its only the top knuckle and i have another 5 fingers...
I suppose at one time something like arthritis could have been seen as a punishment for something.. or perhaps the workings of witchcraft..
Fortunately we're living in slightly more enlightened times.. at least in most parts of the world...
For me its a family thing.. I'm just following in the footsteps of my parents and grandparents.. I count my blessings that its not something worse...
So what else....( before i start to sound like auntie Mable discussing her ailments...)
Every now and then the sun breaks through the cotton wool clouds... and lights up my world... funny how immediately it feels warmer just because the sun is there...
Chris has gone out for a walk.. (he seems a little better of late...) and the large hairy lads are asleep in their cave..
Hope you're all having a happy day.... X
Monday, April 5, 2010
Happy Easter.... Kalo Pasca...
Monday already… How did Easter slip by I wonder… so fast….
I‘ve started to trim my yucca…. And my poor bedraggled gardenia.. it just refuses to kick the bucket.. and so I keep it still.. well life is life… is life… and though it looks pretty appalling as plants go.. who knows.. what it feels inside..
Once more its midnight… the time of ghosties and ghoulies.. when all sensible folk take to their beds.. though I find it a rather nice time of night.. its peaceful somehow..
Chilly here in the evenings though.. since they switched the central heating off.. lets hope we don’t have a cold spell or I might FWEEZE.. and my poor cat wouldn’t be very pleased either…
As she’s not one of those who creep under the covers.. though she may come on the bed and snuggle near my legs once the lights are off and she thinks I’m asleep..
I guess you could say she’s the independent type..
Happy Easter to any of you who may be listening.. or as they say in Greece.. `Kalo Pasca.! ’
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Happy April the first everyone..
I’m not going to try and fool anyone I figure there’s enough people out there trying to do that.. and sometimes I find the jokes more nasty than funny…
I don’t know why but it brings to mind… those not very funny kids pranks that happen in schools which usually involve elements of bullying…and ridicule… Ho ho isn’t it funny..
So I guess that makes me a sour puss…
Though having said that I did read one that amused me..
A newspaper was asking the viewers to lick a blank square of the paper that was said to have a flavor impregnated into it….the readers were asked to guess the flavor…( you can imagine…. :0)… )
Nice to be able to sleep in this morning… and not have to go charging off to the hospital..
Its quite a nice day.. not summers ….as our summers here can be blisteringly hot.. but pleasant enough to sit outside…
The tree’s are starting to show little bits of green.. thank goodness…
This year I have a particular reason for wanting the trees to grow..
As for the past couple on months we have had someone floor polisher,,( red stringy mat like object..)stuck in the branches of the tree outside..
Although we can just manage to touch it with a pole.. we haven’t been able to detach it.. so I guess we’ll just have to leave it there.. until the tree’s are trimmed.. which doesn’t happen every year with that particular tree.. but at least once the leaves are out.. it will be hidden form view.,.
Wooden parke’ floors are popular here.. so what will have happened.. is someone will have been polishing their floor and have shaken it over the balcony.. a little too hard..,
And Ooooops down it went.. lets hope its not there in another 50 years…
Thursday, March 25, 2010
`Summertime.... and the livin is'
floated through the balcony doors as i opened them this morning...:0) a band was playing down below and must have been there for at least an hour it was rather a nice way to wake up. :0)
Thursday and was awakened by the sound of a brass band yet again... its National Day here... so a Holiday.. which meant i didn't have to wake any one for school..
Has anyone noticed that the more sleep we get.. the bigger the bags appear to be under our eyes.. :0(...
Will try to sneak back on later...
Happy Thursday....
Monday, March 22, 2010
Well back to work again for some of us.. :D
Dont know what happened this morning.. but i appear not to have woken my youngest for school this morning.. which is strange as i know I set the alarm... ( darned pixies at it again I suppose.....)
When I remember..... i wake him at 6.45... 7.15 and 7.30.. though he does have a clock at the side of the bed... he tends not to hear it... ( they sleep like the dead...!!)
Leapt out of bed at around 10.30.. and dived into the bedroom and he wasn't there.. which was a relief hope he wasn't too late.. :shock:
The only reason i woke up at all was because my mother phoned.. and told me it was Monday.. ( it felt more Saturday-ish to me)
So I don't quite know what happened with me this morning...
I remember getting out of bed to feed the cat.. and then falling back to sleep again...
Somehow feels to have been a busy day..what with a hospital appointment and then a trip to the supermarkets before they closed.....
( didn't really have much choice there because the cupboard was bare.. and old mother hubbord would have thrown her hands up in dismay...)
I'm going to wander off in search of some chamomile tea... and something to nibble...
Tomorrow we have a birthday so shall be scouring the pastry shops for a nice chocolaty cake... YUM...
Sweet Dreams.... ZZZZZ.....
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Happy Saturday....
So far this morning.. I have made 5 different offerings at the shrine of the cat.. and still she refuses me.. it wouldn't be so bad but she keeps coming back and asking for more..( :0) of whatever it is that i'm not giving her...)
Eventually she accepted a little pushing of her favorite door..
For some reason this particular door is different than all the others and I have come to accept that she see's something there that the rest of us do not.. I've even tried lying down on the floor to see things from her angle.. but whatever is there, doesn't seem very keen on human contact.
( a little later..)
I've just been on the balcony trimming Chris's nails.. ( he can manage one hand but not the other..) he has beautiful nails not just the shape... but they're so strong... wish i'd got them.. they're quite wasted on a male..
Da fussy kitty has now wandered into his bedroom.. its on the sunny side....(Of the street.... grab your coat and tip your hat... leave your worries on the doorstep.. life could be so sweet on the sunny side of the street..)
LOL where dooooo these songs come from... probably the result of a misspent youth spent watching musicals..
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Happy Friday..
Think i'm sleep talking as only had 2 hours sleep last night so will be going back for a wee kip... would be there now but a certain cat has curled up in the middle and looks so cute... i dont want to move her.. maybe i'll cuddle up at her side...
Surprisingly i dont feel too bad at the moment.. but i will suddenly wilt..
I got up early to go to the avoid the crowds.. as it gets very full sometimes.. normally i come back and go to sleep but i didn't today i did some drawing.. as the light was good.. and it seemed a shame to waste...
I think i'll go make myself a cuppa.. and the warmth of it will probably lull me to sleep.. zzz
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Happy Sunday.... :0)
Why is it that the newspapers are nearly always dull at weekends.. i guess even reporters have to do their shopping sometime...
Its cloudy and dull again.. a plant sprayer that I've been looking for .. for months is rolling about on the balcony ...the wind has discovered its hiding place... well its only half a plant sprayer... as i had the top.. but not the base... now i just have to remember what i did with the other bit..
Chris's meat balls await me in the kitchen so suppose i'd best pause a moment and put them in a pan...
Everyone has now been fed... ( even the cat... ) so now i have some time for me...
Its mothers day isn't it... but its not a big thing over here... so for me its not really any more special than a normal day.. so i don't really have one... and what you've never had you don't miss... but of course I have memories of the usual flowers cards or box of chocolates :lol: perhaps next year i'll buy my own and sit and scoff the lot.. :D
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Wednesday and my wild extravagance at the supermarket was 2 candle gnomes sat on very battered looking flowerpots.. they looked cute and they only cost 50 cents each.. so I've hardly broken the bank..
Why were they so cheap? cos they were last years left overs i think..
Hey I aint proud i dread to think what the prices will be this year for those of us who might think of buying such frivolities...
I ask you what kind of depraved person.. would want to light the head of a cute little gnome.. ( who i swear could be big ears cousin... they're so like..) and watch its cute little body melt away..
who ever designed them needs therapy...
So they're sat on top of the computer screen ... ` beaming at me'...
Its Easter you see.. and all the chocky eggs have started to appear on the supermarket shelves..
No sooner have we got Christmas out of the way than something appears... to squeeze our pockets..
Thank goodness the kids are bigger now than they were.. though i dare say they'll still want one...
( wouldn't say no myself... :0))
What else have i done....?
I bravely coloured my hair yesterday.. a bit apprehensive lest it glow in the dark.. as it wasn't my usual shade and the writing on the box wot wiv it being in a foreign language was all Greek to me... though the picture on the outside of the box was re assuring...
But its actually not bad at all.... no one has made any comment about it.. so i'll take that as a good sign...
Its almost food time.. so i'll close for now and wish whoever is out there a very Happy Wednesday.... xxx
Monday, March 8, 2010
Monday.. and all is grey...
Had internet problems yesterday.. so didn't make it on here.. but the day wasn't entirely wasted as i managed to do a few things around the apartment.. which i probably wouldn't have got round to doing if I'd been able to come on here and..`play`
So what did I do.. swept a little under the lads beds... ( its almost impossible to get in there as there seems to be always someone in it sleeping..)
Funny how as the lads ( young men...) have got older that the bedroom they share seems to have shrunk.. not just because of the apparent junk that i have to wade through.. but the amount of space that their growing bodies seems to take up within it..
I managed to do some writing... but didnt get to the drawing as the day was dull and i got caught up doing the domesticated wifey bit don't worry i didn't go mad... :0)
This morning so far i've been flitting about between forums..
I came across something really lovely called `Autumn'
A Daughter's tribute to dying mother is a YouTube sensation
I dont know how to add a live so it'll copy and paste it in.. as i thought it was beautiful.
See here..
Hope we're all having a Happy Monday xxx
Saturday, March 6, 2010
I've just tried unsuccessfully to post a link to the song i'm humming.. ( Rems everybody hurts...) ah well cant win em all..:0) i suppose I'll get the hang of it eventually.. didn't help that Firefox decided to switch off in the middle of it..
Why that particular song ?
am I feelin blooo... ?
No.. i think its just a general slowing down of my mood as the night has fallen..
:0) glad it didnt fall on my head... Hee Hee...
Happy Saturday....
Oh.... It was lovely earlier.. where has my lovely blue sky disappeared to. :0(
Its not very helpful as i was doing some drawing..And these days i seem to prefer using daylight...its more truthful....
Ah well never mind i shall put it away till another day... though we are expecting a spell of bad weather so it may not be tomorrow.
I'm at present sat here munching on a carrot.... and I've something in a frying pan that I'm having to keep checking on... or twill turn to cinders..
I suppose the sensible thing to do would be to stay in there and watch it.. but its so dull.....
Normally at such times i would open the window....( not bloomin likely says she.. thinking of the large bug from a few days ago that may still be the vicinity..
Do i really think it will still be there? naw.... not unless its died off (which is possible as the poor thing didn't look too healthy..).. but there are plenty of other undesirables out there... that i don't fancy sharing my kitchen with..
I think most people use a fan.. but ours ceased to work about 20 years ago.. and it was one of the old fashioned kind that resembled an airplane propeller with HUGE holes through all kinds of nasty beasties could wander in.. so i completely sealed it.. and it doesn't stick out like a sore thumb.. so its another one of those things that we've never got around to doing anything about..
Chris is now sat eating his lunch...( I managed to cook the meatballs without burning them..) so alls well with my world.. at least for now...
Hope you all are having a Happy day... xxx
Friday, March 5, 2010
Good morning … Good morning….. Err… yes I have noticed… it’s a bit late to be singing this…for some reason I woke up singing it…
If anyone remembers ..its from the musical singing in the rain…. with Gene Kelly…. ( I can still see Debbie Reynolds bouncing about the scene… wish I had some of her energy..)
Though I bet she doesn’t look like that now.. in fact I’m not even sure she’s still living..
So how’s my day been ?
Well…… you can tell your babes are growing up… when on peeping at them through the spy hole on the other side of the door you think it’s the delivery man..
So that made an excellent start to the day…( lol fancy not recognizing my own child!!!!)
mind you I was still asleep really.. so that’s a good excuse…
Lovely blue sky outside… and we have some very noisy birds out there.. those tiny brown ones.. good job the kitty is inside asleep.. as she almost had one once…
Poor cat doesn’t see much wildlife.. So i felt a bit mean making her drop it.. happily the bird survived… though it stood there in shock for a while.. eventually it flew back to its nest… where there was no doubt a very irate wife waiting for it.. asking what time it thought this was…:0)
This is a year or so ago… but the cat still remembers and lurks hopefully under the settee we have out there….. but as she’s no teeth.. I don’t fancy her chances much…
Ahhhh but at least she can dream…. :0)
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Happy Thursday..
( for a moment then I had to think what day it was.. :0) )
Was awakened this morning by the prick of a cats claw...
( my furry feline obviously thought it was time i got up.. as it was nearly 12. mid-day .. she had a point...)
I aim for 11am.. but rarely make it..
I was having a dream that we'd aquired a boxful of kittens... and the parents... and probably Uncle Tom Cobbley and all..!
Speaking of the cat she is now sat on the chair where i was hoping to put my feet up.. and shes now nibbling my toes with her gums... which tickles!! its all a fiendish plot to get another breakfast out of me.. it always works.. as eventually i give in... and then she'll go and have a sleep somewhere.. leaving me in peace..
Pause.. ( or is it paws!!!) as i turn to see what shes looking at.. the kitchen cupboard was slightly ajar I've noticed she doesn't like the doors open.. which makes me wonder what she see's in there that i dont... ( lets hope its not a hungry gremlin!!!)
She doesn't like the window open either but after the giant locust bug of the other day neither do I.... i dont intend to open that window for a very... very long time...
Dont worry i shall try not to use this blog to bore you silly with tales of what the cat has done today.. she just happened to be there when i was drinking my coffee and writing this down...
I'll try and pop back in here later in the day.. to add a bit more..
Have a lovely Thursday.. and thanks to the kindly souls who have added themselves as blog followers... HUGS... XXX
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
... isnt this cute......... someone sent it to me in an email... :0)
Well today I've been extremely brave.. and tried adding an image...
Happily the giant bug i had in my kitchen was not banging on the window in the middle of the night... to getback in again..
The day is cloudy but fairly warm.. and Chris is say watching the news.. to see what the latest is on the economic situation over here..
I haven't done any drawing yet today.. but was quite pleased at what appeared on the paper yesterday... xxx
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
I've realized that i need somewhere to just chat as well as keep my journeying memories!!!!
being a' girl' ......I chose a pretty pink.. somehow despite my attraction to dark things i didn't fancy writing on a black page.. so lets see how this goes.. :0)
Typically... I've created this at 1.30 am so the plan is to ramble a bit more tomorrow..
Sweet Dreams all ZZZZZzzzzz.....