Saturday, March 6, 2010

Happy Saturday....

Oh.... It was lovely earlier.. where has my lovely blue sky disappeared to. :0(

Its not very helpful as i was doing some drawing..And these days i seem to prefer using daylight...its more truthful....

Ah well never mind i shall put it away till another day... though we are expecting a spell of bad weather so it may not be tomorrow.

I'm at present sat here munching on a carrot.... and I've something in a frying pan that I'm having to keep checking on... or twill turn to cinders..
I suppose the sensible thing to do would be to stay in there and watch it.. but its so dull.....

Normally at such times i would open the window....( not bloomin likely says she.. thinking of the large bug from a few days ago that may still be the vicinity..

Do i really think it will still be there? naw.... not unless its died off (which is possible as the poor thing didn't look too healthy..).. but there are plenty of other undesirables out there... that i don't fancy sharing my kitchen with..

I think most people use a fan.. but ours ceased to work about 20 years ago.. and it was one of the old fashioned kind that resembled an airplane propeller with HUGE holes through all kinds of nasty beasties could wander in.. so i completely sealed it.. and it doesn't stick out like a sore thumb.. so its another one of those things that we've never got around to doing anything about..

Chris is now sat eating his lunch...( I managed to cook the meatballs without burning them..) so alls well with my world.. at least for now...

Hope you all are having a Happy day... xxx

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