Friday, April 23, 2010

Somehow i didnt get in here yesterday to add anything.. so i'll ramble a little about that first before going onto today...


Athens action?

Well there's some kind of general strike on today... so the schools are off. which means i got a bit of extra kip this morning..

It feels to have been a busy week though i cant imagine why though i did go to the bank three times yesterday morning.. but the good news is we sorted a problem that had been going on for two years... so was worth it..

I passed the sumptuous chocolate shop.. ( :lol: which is enough to bring on palpitations.... )...8 times yesterday.. 6 on the way to the Bank and twice when i went to the supermarket..

In the morning it was still closed....... ahhh but later on... the irresistible aroma drifted towards my nostrils. thats part of what attracts people to it.. its a great way to sell a product...

Anyway its a lazy day today... I shaved Chris earlier.. ( really must get him a new blade sometime... i keep using the old one... as am wary of cutting him.... as with the aspirin he bleeds a lot. so I've been playing it safe..)

Today is now Friday...

Friday.. and the day started quite energetically with doing Chris' hair.. then as i had both lads out of the house and the bedroom empty for once... i leapt in there and tried to clear a bit of the debris..

Really its become more of a computer/ games room that they sleep in.. the wardrobe now houses the tv.. which leaves the problem of where to put the clothes.. fortunately they don't have a lot...

I'd just finished Chris' hair.. ( put the colour on..) and had left him to cook.. and a friend of his rang.. and said he was coming over,, :shock: well there wasn't anything we could do fortunately he isn't someone we stand on ceremony with and he sat and read the newspapers while i washed the colour off..

His friend had managed to find him a bottle of his favorite wine..... I was reading in the news yesterday of the benefits of red wine to people who have had strokes...

So its obviously a good thing for him to be having it..

I'm feeling quite wicked as have just nicked a tube of the kids smarties.. :lol: why is it stolen fruit always tastes better... :wink:
He has another 3 tubes so don't think he'll miss..

I now need to start making Chris' lunch and then its off out for the Friday shop.. to replenish our dwindling supplies.. they don't last Long around here..

So i'll wander off and do something... wishing you all a happy day...


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